Distressed Business

The first step is probably the most important. It's critical to step back from the business to be clear where it is at. If sales are declining rapidly then that business will be very hard to sell. If sales are flat then that is good. If sales are starting to increase that's better. To help with this step, look at the cash flow. If a business has positive cash flow it has so many more options to a business that has no cash flow and/or no chance of this improving. avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars avocadoallstars


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